Sunday, July 1, 2012

L.A. Sightseeing - photo dump

Today we decided to do the usual tourist thing and do some sightseeing. We got up early to have breakfast - turns out the hotel breakfast leaves a lot to be desired, so we opted to go to Denny's across the road. We had smoothies and a hot breakfast.

On the way to our next destination Simone noticed that even the walls in LA can be as fake as some of its people.
We bought two one week metro passes and caught the underground and the bus to our first destination, which was the start point of the sightseeing tour. We arrived only to find that the office was closed. So Simone phoned the other office and the initial plan was that they send a bus to pick us up at 11.30am. So with time to kill we went into Madame Tussaud's, some photos below:

As you can see Simone got a phonecall to from the sightseeing company to ask whether we can make our way to their main location rather than being picked up, and they would knock $10 off each of our tickets. We had enough time so we said yes. It took about an hour or so by bus to go to Santa Monica.

After grabbing an iced chocolate in Santa Monica we made our way to the office where we started the tour. The group was fairly small thankfully, however we were both quite embarrassed about the 6 Australian women and girls. They were rude and inconsiderate by talking loudly amongst themselves whilst the driver was talking and all others trying to listen to him. They were also late at pickups and then wondered why other stops were cut short. Oh, maybe because you were late on the preceding stop and we need to make up that time somehow?? Idiots.

Pic spam below:

 For my work friends - fancy streetlight!

 Venice beach. We decided our stop here was too short so we are going to return hopefully for a longer stay/walk.

 Some bees decided to make a hive underneath a kid's bike. Police was called and then fire department arrived a few minutes later to take care of the problem.

 Yeah and I reckon this guy has shoulder implants.

 Santa Monica pier
 The end of route 66

 That is a pool on the left, what a view whilst you swim!

We got home at around 7.30pm and are both really tired. No dinner for us today, we had a slice of pizza around 4pm.

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